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CALICO Gets a New Mural

CALICO got a brand new mural! High school senior, Caroline James, was looking for a place to volunteer during a break from school when her father, a Protectors Circle member, told her about CALICO. Caroline wanted to do something more than filing papers and organizing office supplies so spoke with CALICO’s Executive Director, Hillery Gladden, about her background in art. Hearing that Caroline was an artist, Hillery jumped on the idea of a new mural for the CALICO office, “We encourage volunteers to use whatever skills they have to help CALICO. The staff had been talking about having a new mural done… the timing couldn’t have been better. We are so grateful for her work and the finished product is a wonderful addition to office.” Over the course of two weeks Caroline sketched and painted the entire mural.

Caroline’s beautiful donation to CALICO reminds us that anyone can help the children who come to CALICO. If you want to contribute a special skill to CALICO email

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